EasyPlex – Movies – Live Streaming – TV Series, Anime – Nulled Both Laravel & Android APP
EasyPlex is one of the complete Video Streaming Application – Video Streaming.
CREATE YOUR PLATFORM IN FEW MINUTES EASYPLEX EASYPLEX is a multi-purpose rnovie and TV series and Streaming and Anime platform. It can be used to create your own platform you can easily import movies informations with powerfull adrrnin panel and Player , the app showcasing Android best practices with Google’s recommended architecture: MVVM, Offline support, Android Architecture Components, Dagger 2, RxJava 2 & Retrofit 2.
- MVVM with Android Architecture Components
- Dagger 2 for Dependency Injection
- Clean code
- Auto Import Movie & Serie & Upcoming Informations
- Powerful Admin Panel With VueJs
- Easy to reskin
- Material Design.
- UI optimized for phone and tablet
- App support Movies, Series, Streaming, Animes
- Interstitial Admob
- Facebook Audience Network
- Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design.
- Register Page – Ability to register a new account.
- Login Page –Ability for users to log in
- Search Page – Added ability to search for videos
- Toasts & Alerts – Added ability to display alerts, Toasts, success, errors, loadings, and more.
- Paypal payment gateway
- Privacy Policy Page
- About Us Page
- Search Page
- Genres Page
- MyList Page
- Wifi-Only (ON/OFF)
- Notifications (ON/OFF)
- AutoPlay – (ON/OFF) Play Next Media (Movie or Episode)
- Subtitles
- Trailer Preview
Admin Panel (PHP Laravel) Features:
- VueJS Framework
- Statistical Dashboard (Movie– Serie– LiveTV)
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete Movie
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete Serie
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete LiveTV
- Add or Upload Media (Movie, Serie, LiveTV)
- Settings (ON/OFF) Subtitles
- Settings (ON/OFF) Admob Banner & Interstitial
- Settings (ON/OFF) Facebook Audience Interstitial & Banner
- Settings (ON/OFF) Anime
- Users Management (Edit or Delete or Update or Upgrade User)
- Ad Manager Management (Google Ad Manager, the Google AdSense network, or any VAST-compliant ad server)
- Genres Management (Add Custom Genre or Grabe Auto From TMDB)
- Qualities Management
- Report ( Movie or Serie )
- Add,Edit,Update,Delete Seasons & Episodes
- Add, Edit, Delete Media for Movie, Series, LiveTV
- Notification Push
- Logo Upload – Upload Logo via a dashboard.
- IMDB COVER PATH – change cover path quality
- Featured Items – change items numbers
- and Many More…
File Password:
- Only those who have GoGoDL.com Premium package for more than 1 month will get the password.
If you have a subscription there contacted us through email: - NullJungle@gmail.com
or Telegram : - @NullJungleAdmin
- If you meet the requirement We will send you the password after a couple of hours.
Old versions :
version 1.4(free)
version 1.5 (password only for donators)
version 1.6 (password only for donators)
version 1.7 (password only for donators)
File Name | |
File Size | 68.39 MB |
Demo Link | Demo Link |
Version | v1.7.5 - Nulled Purchase Code |
Original Price | 45$ |
reupload version 1.6
i used v1.4 its say invalid purchase code how can i fix it
buy new versions
but v1.7 is encrypted with password. and can’t buy premium of gogodl.com
If the panel detects that you use it nullified, it sends you a dmca complaint to your hosting, 3 hosting have already blocked me, luckily I used one of x10 free hosting
use sitejungle.net
perhaps you changed the old purchase code the one I acquired from you sent me a dmca lawsuit for using said code
use https://sitejungle.net hosting for DMCA free
I already activated it, in sitejungle with dmca free hopefully they won’t block my account for using easyplex nulled
Paying the 1 MONTH plan
Don’t get the password?
yes it will
please update Change Log 1.7.5 ( UPCOMING )
ok when ever released we will update
It’s already been released friend.
ChangeLog 1.7.5
Added DRM support ( Widevine – ClearKey – PlayReady )
Added ARABIC RTL Version
Added Animes to the home content merged with Movies & Series
Added the support for Streamtape – Voe.sx ( EasyplexSupportedHosts )
Updated the support for Fembed domain change( EasyplexSupportedHosts )
Reduced the number of queries on some api response
Casters from panel will be paginated to avoid loading large data at same time ( you can search your casters by name to add them to your Movies)
Removed some N+1 Queries
Fixed Imdb Lang on release version
HLS is back as options ( App still detect the hls if your link not detected use this option )
Updated the Comments section from panel to display more info
Added Genre & Subtitle to the library Posters
Removed share icon from downloads to avoid leaking the url
Fixed an issue with favorite for last item removed.
Suggested Programs return random content now
fixed somes issues reported by users from last update
please update Change Log 1.7.5 ( UPCOMING )
Can the premium subscription be used in this null?
our null version is fully working on all features just like original code
Password ?
only for donators
we will try to share everything for free, but this kind of null version will be expired if we share it for free…so we will share only for a cheap price to prevent expiration
passoword didnot work for me, i paid gogo dl premium
contact me
Hello I am using version 1.4 and I completed all the setup steps, but when I open the application and click on skip, nothing appears. help
My app is open but not fetch any data to server
can i have it i have 5$
1.6 Not Working I Have Checked All
how did you check our version? 😀
Not Nulled???
nulled and shared only for supporter
1.6 Not Nulled Yet ?
nulled and shared only for supporter
With the 7-day subscription I can already get the password
if you have more than 30 days you can
Hey can I pay you directly I don’t want gogodl subscription ? I can pay you directly in paypal
contact me through email or telegram
1.6 update gonna free ?
zip password please
zip password only will send for supporter
support us by buying gogodl subscription then you will get password
Should I have to wait after paying $12 ? And can I use it on multiple domains ?
you need to send me message on email or telegram @NullJungle
you can use on multiple domain
I paid one month gogo dl …where can i get password
send to you
hey can you please share the pass ?
no he can’t 🙂
you should support to get password
Hello, update version ChangeLog 1.6 (UPCOMING) – Updated Regularly
ok sure
i bought and got password but doesn’t work i think app source code is not nulled.
you didn’t buy…that’s lie! 🙂
its fully working
@NullJungle, Is it more than a one-month subscription or at least a one-month subscription. Is it okay if a subscribe for 1 month ($12.99)?
I mean if you buy only 1 month then you can have the password
if you buy more or continue your subscription the it will help us a lot, we really appreciate your supports
codelist is giving it out free
then why you are here? 🙂
none of them are working
it can’t be nulled so we cracked it with a purchase code!
and for preventing leecher to block Purchase code we did this
What is password from zip
File Password:
Only those who have GoGoDL.com Premium package for more than 1 month will get the password.
insted your premium user will buy the orignal lol 😂😂
Yes why not buy 50$ and you can only install on one domain
here buy 12$ install multiple domain :))
archive password?
File Password:
Only those who have GoGoDL.com Premium package for more than 1 month will get the password.
Wow, I thought the new nulled version was free, unfortunately I won’t be able to buy it because I don’t have the money to buy GoGoDl Premium.
12 dollars here in Brazil is more or less what it takes to earn a week of work here in my region.
sry we can’t share this one for free
add a movie or series I get it: “Purchase code invadable
Good afternoon, when I try to add a movie or series I get it: “Purchase code is missing You be rediected to settings”.
Update v1.5 plisss
Ok, To install, they must upload the file correctly, in case, in my case, having more domains, in my cpanel (cwp) folders were created, in those folders I uploaded it, but the domain, I configured it to read the folder ” public “, with that, they will be able to access by url, but the database needs to be linked.
To link the database, you must edit the file: “.env” and “config> database.php”, that’s what I did, and I was able to access it.
To start session is with:
password: 123456
Well, the bad thing is that it got there, when I tried to import or add a movie it told me to activate the purchase code, save it, and when I tried again, it told me “invalid purchase code”.
Of which if you could help me to solve it I would appreciate it.
On the backend
There is a problem trying to add a medium either series or movie. It redirects to the settings and does not allow adding any media.
Request a purchase code
I have written to telegram explaining you better
I appreciate your response,
Hey! can you please guide on how to install admin panel
It is givin’ this error: IlluminateDatabaseQueryException
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field ‘premuim’ doesn’t have a default value (SQL: insert into `users`
Add Database on PHPAdmin panel
Hey! can you please guide on how to install admin panel
v1.4 not full nulled in admin page. ı can licence error on movies and series page
Can I share the document file or can you share it?
do you have documentation ?
join our telegram we share document there
I wonder if there is an experimental page encrypted solution?
Well – if you remember i gave you purchase code for this item so you can null it..
I found that you have blocked me on your telegram channel.
i.e: https://t.me/NullJungleGroup
If you have any valid reason to block/ban from at least you should have informed me.
Blocking someone with valid reason is ok.
even if you don’t have a reason you should atleast tell that person ,, I WILL BAN YOU”
I know you this comment will not be published on your site.
I am seriously very hurted and it was disgusting.
sry for the inconvenience that happened to you
send me pm on @NUllJungleAdmin
Plzz send you telegram I’d I need Easyplex Plzz
Where the source code app nulled version?
what do you mean?
please update that script v 1.4
updated full null
where is the file database?
generate with laravel
Please update to v1.3 it’s most popular demand
Please friend update to 1.3 as this version 1.2 has many errors. Thanks for sharing!
no eh podido instalarlo en el cpanel, alguien me puede ayudar
For EasyPlex 1.2 ..
this app has somebugs.
wait for Updates do not waste your time. its not a marketplace so don’t expect Support.
you can get help on telegram channel – if you get errors or its asking for purchase code hit me on telegram
Why it have virus?
its completely safe, what is wrong?
when i install it on virtual machine its showing me virus.
there is no virus in it…send us proof of virus file to the email: nulljungle@gmail.com
we will check immediately
i think you are the only virus in this site checkout yourself
help me im beginner when i try to run app in android studio it shows 31 errors im not a coder i dont know what to do , can you make a video please. ? i’m trying to fix 3 days its hard.
you should follow the document, we can’t support products for now
i fixed it thanks , but do you know how can i change name of app in app , i learned only how to change application name.
can someone please make a tutorial how to install?
please make a video how to install it it will be famous please.
Where can I change that?
Without the purchase code, the APP cannot log in normally
I agree with you! But I think maybe it will have another way to null this app
Hi sir!
The code ask for purchase code, I have typed random code but it’s still not working. How to nulled this app?
contact us through email or telegram send us some access let me check for you
What is your email?
I will sent you a link to my panel.
Maybe you can send me an email. I will reply to you!
(My email is in this comment)
If you send me an email (or give me your email) Please let’s me know that! Thanks!
it doesn’t need purchase code anywhere
I installed and there is nothing wrong
I wonder how you guys have difficulties
Send me your email, I will explain that!
You can try to install that apk.
When you click movie and play trailer, it will have some error about purchase code. (It said that my purchase code was wrong and I can’t play any movie of this app)
I need purchase code admin panel
you don’t need purchase code
The site does not contain
the database is generetade.. see the documentation index
yes exactly, its Laravel…you should generate your database on local the install on Host
I installed everything correctly as in the documentation but when accessing localhost it does not open anything, it only displays htdocs folders and files
Hello sir .. Can you download the Plax – Android Chat App with Voice / Video Calls project please
dude don’t spam, just wait we will release
follow our telegram and check the site regularly,
stay tuned
Hello, ask for the purchase code, would you have the solution?
where do you need purchase code? on admin laravel or Android app?
It asked from both admin laravel and android app. If I don’t have the code, I can’t watch movie on app
Hello, ask for the purchase code, would you have the solution?