Ultimate SMS is a powerful, flexible, and User-friendly Bulk SMS Marketing Application. It’s also an all-in-one solution for your SMS marketing. It’s easy to use & install.

Codeglen not provide any types of support for localhost or local machine or remote desktop.

If you want to run Ultimate SMS then you have to purchase sms gateway API from sms gateway providers like Twilio, nexmo, plivo, etc. There have more than 130+ sms gateway API’s already integrated with ultimate sms. You can choose one from these or you can also add your gateway with ultimate sms. Then you have to update your sms API credentials on ultimate sms. Finally, you can send your sms using your sms gateway API through ultimate sms.


PHP 5.6+ (PHP 7.0 recommended)
MySQL 5.1+
mod_rewrite Apache MySQLi PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
cURL PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
MBString PHP Extension
iconv PHP Extension
IMAP PHP Extension – not recommended godaddy as email provider
GD PHP Extension
Zip PHP Extension
allow_url_fopen enabled
open_basedir enabled
proc_open enabled
base64_decode enabled

Old Versions :

UltimateSMS-Bulk SMS Application For Marketing-NJ-28-30.zip


File Name
File Size 213.93 MB
Demo Link Demo Link
Original Price80$