Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.

Step 1 – You need Server or localhost

first, you need to have full PHP – Database -WebServer fully configured to work together.

– Windows users :

Download XAMPP or WAMP server

XAMPP download link:
WAMPP download link:

we recommending installing the latest version of XAMP so it will be much powerful and easier to use.

XAMPP control panel on Windows

Step 2 – Install Composer

Download Composer, for Laravel package control, you can download from the below link,

Composer download link:

When you completed the installation of the composer you can check from your windows CMD.

open CMD and enter composer and hit enter :

Composer on CMD

Step 3 – Download & Install Laravel

  • download latest Laravel here :

download file and extract it on a folder on XAMPP htdocs folder


– Create Database

Go to PHPmyadmin and create a database for Laravel script.


On the Laravel project package, you can see the .env.example file which is inside your root directory. Rename .env.example file to. .env .

then edit .env file and add your database credential to it.

.env file on Laravel

Now we are ready to run commands to install our Laravel:

Start CMD on the Laravel directory and run below codes :

composer install
Composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan serve
After artisan serve

Now You can run your project through the URL :

you will see your first Laravel Welcome Page :

Laravel Welcome Page

That’s it. Now you are ready to start work on your project with Laravel Framework.
let us know what is your problem.